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June 8, 2024

Dental Discoloration: Why Does It Happen?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 3:45 pm
Nose-to-chin frontal view of a woman smiling with half her teeth whitened

If you can’t get moving in the morning without a strong cup of hot coffee, you’re not alone. There’s nothing quite like that first sip before you start the day. Unfortunately, your caffeinated beverage is on the list of darkly pigmented foods that can stain your teeth.

Thankfully, your dentist can address unsightly discoloration that detracts from your appearance with professional teeth whitening services. But do you know how or why it happens in the first place? Continue reading to learn more about how coffee and other culprits dim your grin!

How Do Certain Foods Stain My Teeth?

Although your teeth look and feel completely solid, the truth is that the protective outer layer of enamel is covered in tiny pores. These microscopic grooves can absorb substances like sugar, bacteria, and tannins, all of which can have detrimental effects. Sugar and bacteria work together to produce acids that erode your enamel, leaving you at an increased risk of developing tooth decay. Tannins, meanwhile, stick to the small cracks and ridges of your enamel to discolor it.

What Are Tannins?

Tannins are an organic compound that gives certain foods and drinks their dark shade and bitter flavor. Plants produce them naturally to discourage anything from eating its fruits or seeds before they’re ripe. They can be found in coffee, tea, red wine, nuts, chocolate, and different berries and fruits. Tannins interact with various enzymes, proteins, and carbohydrates in your mouth and can bind with your saliva and cling to the surface of your teeth. Over time, a buildup of tannins and plaque can leave your pearly whites looking drab and dingy.

Tannins also interact with chromogen, another pigment found in cherries, curry, and soy sauce. They intensify their color, which only exacerbates the resulting discoloration.

How Can I Prevent Tooth Stains?

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile, and it’s only natural to want it to be as sparkling and clean as possible. While you might not be able (or willing) to completely remove the offending foods from your menu, you can prevent potential stains in a few different ways, including:

  • Brushing and flossing 30 minutes before eating or drinking. This removes any plaque buildup that pigmented ingredients cling to.
  • Minimize consumption. Limiting your exposure to ingredients that stain can keep your grin looking lighter.
  • Drink more water. H2O has a neutral pH balance that protects your enamel and rinses away unwanted particles.

How Can I Brighten My Smile?

Fortunately, there are ways to lighten teeth that have been stained this way. Your dentist offers professional-grade whitening treatments that can safely brighten them by several shades in a single, hour-long appointment. If you’re short on time, many providers also offer take-home kits with top-quality gels and customized application trays to achieve your ideal hue from the comfort of your home.

Although certain foods are notorious for darkening your grin, there are several things you can do to keep it looking light and happy!

About the Author

Dr. Jayson Voto has 12+ years of experience helping people improve their lives by enhancing their dental health. He earned an undergraduate degree in zoology from the University of Oklahoma, then switched gears and graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry. Now, he frequently participates in ongoing educational opportunities with the Spear Study Club and Oil Capital Study Club to stay on top of the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques. He offers both in-office whitening procedures as well as customized take-home kits for your convenience. If you’d like a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (918) 272- 5381.

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