The last time you went to your dentist’s office, how did you say hello to everyone? Did you shake someone’s hand? Did a team member give you a hug? There was a time when these greetings were commonplace, but in the age of COVID-19, they are no longer used. Close contact makes it easy for germs to spread, so your dentist and their team are changing the ways they welcome patients to their practice. Read on to discover some fun, no touch methods that you can use to introduce yourself during your next appointment.
It may feel a little unusual at first, but it’s a simple and effective way to let someone know that you’ve arrived.
The whole point of going to visit your dentist is to have a clean and healthy smile, so you might as well show it off when you arrive to let them know what they’ll be working on.
When you want to show your respect and gratitude for what your dental team does, take a deep bow in front of them.
Jazz Hands
If you want to lighten the mood, slide into your dentist’s office while gently shaking your hands back and forth.
Sure, it’s a little formal, and you may have only seen it done in historical movies, but everyone still understands what it means.
Finger Guns
Channel your inner cowboy and confidently let your dental team know that you’re ready to fight tooth decay.
It’s quick, it’s simple, and it will get the job done without a lot of effort.
Peace Signs
Spread love, not germs with this classic greeting. It works as a way to say hello and as a way to say goodbye.
Greetings You Should Not Use
In the process of adapting to life with COVID-19, people have come up with interesting new greetings. Some you may have seen on TV include elbow bumps, fist bumps, and touching the tips of shoes together. You should not use these greetings at your dentist’s office. Any hand to hand contact has the power to transfer germs. Many dentists are also wearing coverings around their shoes to keep viral particles from hiding on them, so making any form of contact with them is not a good idea.
If the alternative greetings in this article don’t quite work for you, you should try to create one on your own. Just make sure that it doesn’t require you to get close to anyone. Your dental care team will definitely appreciate the effort.
About the Author
Dr. Jayson Voto earned his dental degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry in 2006. He continues to educate himself on the latest dental procedures so he can provide patients with the most advanced and effective treatments possible at his practice. If you’d like to find out more about the ways he can help you with a dental issue, you can reach out to him through his website or at 918-272-5381.