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November 3, 2015

Owasso sedation dentists, Drake & Voto, ease anxiety

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry — drakevotodds @ 10:22 pm

Owasso sedation dentistsFear keeps people from getting dental care. Sedation dentists, Drake & Voto, relieve patient anxiety with oral medications and nitrous oxide.

The British Dental Health Association recently surveyed adults regarding visiting the dentist. A full 36 percent responded that they avoid dental appointments because they are are afraid.

Fighting the fear

Drs. Gene Drake and Jayson Voto, Owasso sedation dentists, sympathize with patient discomfort. They have built their family and cosmetic dentistry practice around delivering state of the art dental services in a caring, relaxed environment. From the time people walk in the door and are greeted by the friendly staff, to their treatment time, to making their next appointments, care, compassion and competence are the order of the day.

The doctors understand the many reasons why people experience dental phobia. Perhaps the patient:

  • has a sensitive gag reflex
  • is claustrophobic
  • has had past bad experiences at the dentist
  • doesn’t like the sound of the drill or is afraid of injections
  • is embarrassed about the condition of his teeth
  • has extremely sensitive teeth

Rest assured that Drs. Drake and Voto have seen it all, and they understand. Their educational background and exceptional continuing education credentials make them expert in pain relief and sedation procedures, making treatment as stress-free as possible.

Types of sedation offered by your Owasso dentists

To augment local anesthesia, or “pain shots”, that numb the area of the mouth needing treatment, Dr. Drake and Dr. Voto offer fully monitored nitrous oxide gas and oral sedation. They carefully evaluate the patient’s medical and surgical history and current medications to make the proper recommendation.

Nitrous oxide, commonly termed “laughing gas,” is an inhaled anaesthesia that has been used by dentists and surgeons for decades. Breathed in via nasal mask, nitrous oxide induces a carefree, almost euphoric, feeling in the patient so he can relax during his dental work. The Owasso sedation dentist monitors the patient throughout and can adjust the level of gas received. Laughing gas is often used with local anesthesia. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off very quickly, and so, the patient is able to drive himself home from his appointment.

Oral sedation is a relaxing medication taken in pill form either before the appointment or in the dental chair. Medications commonly used are Valium, Versed, Halcion, Vistaril and others. The medication induces a very calm, tranquil feeling, and in fact, many individuals nap during their procedures. Because of the sedating effects of these tranquilizers, a friend or loved one must drive the patient home from the dentist’s office. At home, people often say they felt as though their appointments went by very quickly or that they have limited or no memory of the work being done.

Would you like to relax?

Drs. Drake and Voto want you to have the best possible dental experience. They will help you through your fear of going to the dentist. Why not call the Owasso office today and schedule a sedation dentistry consultation?


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